I am deeply humbled to have been elected as your Right Eminent Grand Commander. My election as Right Eminent Grand Commander is not to just fill and Office, but rather to make this Grand Commandery of North Carolina the best we are capable of making it. My election as Right Eminent Grand Commander signifies the election to a significant office, yet it is imperative to recognize that this role merely represents all of the Sir Knights in this great Jurisdiction. The true essence lies in our collective dedication to ascend to the pinnacle of our potential, striving to achieve excellence and stand as the embodiment of our highest aspirations, and holding true to together we will be defined by our unwavering commitment. As we go forward in our quest to improve this Grand Commandery the Motto is “Building Bridges and Mending Fences”. As we plan for the future, let us look unto the hills from whence cometh our help asking of him who giveth liberally and withholdeth no good thing from those that walk uprightly.
Norman F. Sims, Jr., KYCH
Right Grand Eminent Commander
Tarheel Grand Commandery
Jurisdiction of North Carolina, Inc.
Norman F. Sims, Jr.